Welcome to Peace United Church of Christ! If this is your first time visiting our website, we would invite you to check out our visitor section which is available here: New Visitor Information

Several Ways to Worship!

Peace United Church of Christ has multiple worship experiences with which to engage! Worship is on Sundays in the sanctuary at 8:30, offering a service of the Word with use of creeds, liturgy and hymns of the church. At the organ is Phyllis Sands, our talented Church Musician! The Choir and Bell Choir offer meaningful anthems, and through the summer, individuals share their gifts with special music. Peace UCC also continues to offer online weekly worship via the website, Facebook and YouTube, an abbreviated version of Worship. Thank you for gathering with us in Christ's community, wherever you are!

LEARNING TOGETHER happens in a number of ways at Peace UCC!

Sunday School is on Sunday mornings at 9:30 am,
so whether you worship with us or are seeking to learn,
you can join in the conversation and activities!
We have a class for Elementary-aged children, A Youth Class and an Adult Class.

In addition, there are opportunities to learn through Bible Study, Book Study and other special programs!

Call or email the church if you have questions about our educational ministries!

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Online Worship

Our online worship service for March 23 - Third Sunday of Lent will be posted at 1 PM on Saturday!
Click the link below to worship with us:

Worship with us!

Meeting Neighbors' Needs

Blankets and hygiene kits continue to be available in the Blanket Box. Just take what you need from the box, with the prayers and blessings of Peace UCC! If you would like to donate new blankets, large hand towels or small bath towels, and shower gel, please drop them off at the church, and thank you!


The 2025 Lent Project is "Building Each Other Up." Taking inspiration from Jesus' words that, were the Temple destroyed he would build it back in three days, the Sunday School is asking for donations of all sizes of canned foods. They will turn them into a Temple Wall in the Sanctuary during Lent and Easter. At the end of the project, the cans will be donated to REAL Life and Ephrata Are Social Services for their food programs. Help us Build Each Other Up!