The Altar Guild is composed of a group of dedicated Peace Church women who take care of various duties pertaining to the chancel area so everything is in order for the Sunday morning worship service.
Duties are to see that the Bible is on the Altar for Sunday morning, proper paraments are in place, Altar candles are filled with oil, offering plates are on the pedestal and the Altar flowers are given to the sponsors after the service.
In addition the Altar Guild takes care of the communion ware, restocks the church pews, prepares the font for baptisms and arranges the items and flowers in the sanctuary for Harvest Home, Easter and Christmas.
The Altar Guild also oversees the Memorial Committee and the Peace Pantry. The Peace Pantry donates various items throughout the year to Ephrata Area Social Services, our homeless veterans, Home of Hope and other worthy civic projects.
We at Peace Church are blessed to have faithful women who love serving their Lord.