Stewardship is the ethic that encourages the responsible use and management of our resources. Within the context of the church our resources could be thought of as including but not be limited to our finances, our time and our talents or abilities.
Therefore, the purpose of the Stewardship Committee is to encourage the congregation to make wise use of their resources in their personal lives and in their support of the programs and ministries of the church. To that end the Stewardship Committee will:
- Encourage our members to give thoughtful and prayerful consideration to the offerings they make to the life of the church so that the church can continue to provide ongoing mission and ministry in our community and beyond (this may include planning and carrying out an annual stewardship campaign to encourage meaningful giving to the church);
- Encourage our members to participate regularly in the spiritual, social and mission activities of the church;
- Encourage our members to regularly use their gifts and talents in and through the life of the church (whatever ability a person has, it can be used to help the church in some way).
When a special need arises, such as a large scale project beyond the scope of our regular budgeted giving (for example a new roof, parking lot resurfacing, building addition or repair), the Stewardship Committee will:
- Organize and implement a campaign to help raise the finances required to meet that special need;
- Keep a record of pledged giving;
- Keep a separate record of all monies given in support of that campaign;
- Help oversee the repayment of any loans either within the church structure or beyond.
The Stewardship Committee will work with the Church Council to encourage the sound and responsible use of the resources with which we have been entrusted.
The Stewardship Committee is responsible to the Church Council. The Committee will meet at least once each quarter or whenever a special need arises.